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BackboneFinetuneConfig (ZambaBaseModel) pydantic-model

Configuration containing parameters to be used for backbone finetuning.


Name Type Description Default
unfreeze_backbone_at_epoch int

Epoch at which the backbone will be unfrozen. Defaults to 5.

backbone_initial_ratio_lr float

Used to scale down the backbone learning rate compared to rest of model. Defaults to 0.01.

multiplier int or float

Multiply the learning rate by a constant value at the end of each epoch. Defaults to 1.

pre_train_bn bool

Train batch normalization layers prior to finetuning. False is recommended for slowfast models and True is recommended for time distributed models. Defaults to False.

train_bn bool

Make batch normalization trainable. Defaults to False.

verbose bool

Display current learning rate for model and backbone. Defaults to True.

Source code in zamba/models/
class BackboneFinetuneConfig(ZambaBaseModel):
    """Configuration containing parameters to be used for backbone finetuning.

        unfreeze_backbone_at_epoch (int, optional): Epoch at which the backbone
            will be unfrozen. Defaults to 5.
        backbone_initial_ratio_lr (float, optional): Used to scale down the backbone
            learning rate compared to rest of model. Defaults to 0.01.
        multiplier (int or float, optional): Multiply the learning rate by a constant
            value at the end of each epoch. Defaults to 1.
        pre_train_bn (bool, optional): Train batch normalization layers prior to
            finetuning. False is recommended for slowfast models and True is recommended
            for time distributed models. Defaults to False.
        train_bn (bool, optional): Make batch normalization trainable. Defaults to False.
        verbose (bool, optional): Display current learning rate for model and backbone.
            Defaults to True.

    unfreeze_backbone_at_epoch: Optional[int] = 5
    backbone_initial_ratio_lr: Optional[float] = 0.01
    multiplier: Optional[Union[int, float]] = 1
    pre_train_bn: Optional[bool] = False  # freeze batch norm layers prior to finetuning
    train_bn: Optional[bool] = False  # don't train bn layers in unfrozen finetuning layers
    verbose: Optional[bool] = True
backbone_initial_ratio_lr: float pydantic-field
multiplier: Union[int, float] pydantic-field
pre_train_bn: bool pydantic-field
train_bn: bool pydantic-field
unfreeze_backbone_at_epoch: int pydantic-field
verbose: bool pydantic-field
Config inherited
Source code in zamba/models/
class Config:
    extra = "forbid"
    use_enum_values = True
    validate_assignment = True

EarlyStoppingConfig (ZambaBaseModel) pydantic-model

Configuration containing parameters to be used for early stopping.


Name Type Description Default
monitor str

Metric to be monitored. Options are "val_macro_f1" or "val_loss". Defaults to "val_macro_f1".

patience int

Number of epochs with no improvement after which training will be stopped. Defaults to 5.

verbose bool

Verbosity mode. Defaults to True.

mode str

Options are "min" or "max". In "min" mode, training will stop when the quantity monitored has stopped decreasing and in "max" mode it will stop when the quantity monitored has stopped increasing. If None, mode will be inferred from monitor. Defaults to None.

Source code in zamba/models/
class EarlyStoppingConfig(ZambaBaseModel):
    """Configuration containing parameters to be used for early stopping.

        monitor (str): Metric to be monitored. Options are "val_macro_f1" or
            "val_loss". Defaults to "val_macro_f1".
        patience (int): Number of epochs with no improvement after which training
            will be stopped. Defaults to 5.
        verbose (bool): Verbosity mode. Defaults to True.
        mode (str, optional): Options are "min" or "max". In "min" mode, training
            will stop when the quantity monitored has stopped decreasing and in
            "max" mode it will stop when the quantity monitored has stopped increasing.
            If None, mode will be inferred from monitor. Defaults to None.

    monitor: MonitorEnum = "val_macro_f1"
    patience: int = 5
    verbose: bool = True
    mode: Optional[str] = None

    def validate_mode(cls, values):
        mode = {"val_macro_f1": "max", "val_loss": "min"}[values.get("monitor")]
        user_mode = values.get("mode")
        if user_mode is None:
            values["mode"] = mode
        elif user_mode != mode:
            raise ValueError(
                f"Provided mode {user_mode} is incorrect for {values.get('monitor')} monitor."
        return values
mode: str pydantic-field
monitor: MonitorEnum pydantic-field
patience: int pydantic-field
verbose: bool pydantic-field
Config inherited
Source code in zamba/models/
class Config:
    extra = "forbid"
    use_enum_values = True
    validate_assignment = True
validate_mode(values) classmethod
Source code in zamba/models/
def validate_mode(cls, values):
    mode = {"val_macro_f1": "max", "val_loss": "min"}[values.get("monitor")]
    user_mode = values.get("mode")
    if user_mode is None:
        values["mode"] = mode
    elif user_mode != mode:
        raise ValueError(
            f"Provided mode {user_mode} is incorrect for {values.get('monitor')} monitor."
    return values

ModelConfig (ZambaBaseModel) pydantic-model

Contains all configs necessary to use a model for training or inference. Must contain a train_config or a predict_config at a minimum.


Name Type Description Default
video_loader_config VideoLoaderConfig

An instantiated VideoLoaderConfig. If None, will use default video loader config for model specified in TrainConfig or PredictConfig.

train_config TrainConfig

An instantiated TrainConfig. Defaults to None.

predict_config PredictConfig

An instantiated PredictConfig. Defaults to None.

Source code in zamba/models/
class ModelConfig(ZambaBaseModel):
    """Contains all configs necessary to use a model for training or inference.
    Must contain a train_config or a predict_config at a minimum.

        video_loader_config (VideoLoaderConfig, optional): An instantiated VideoLoaderConfig.
            If None, will use default video loader config for model specified in TrainConfig or
        train_config (TrainConfig, optional): An instantiated TrainConfig.
            Defaults to None.
        predict_config (PredictConfig, optional): An instantiated PredictConfig.
            Defaults to None.

    video_loader_config: Optional[VideoLoaderConfig] = None
    train_config: Optional[TrainConfig] = None
    predict_config: Optional[PredictConfig] = None

    class Config:
        json_loads = yaml.safe_load

    def one_config_must_exist(cls, values):
        if values["train_config"] is None and values["predict_config"] is None:
            raise ValueError("Must provide either `train_config` or `predict_config`.")
            return values

    def get_default_video_loader_config(cls, values):
        if values["video_loader_config"] is None:
            model_name = (
                if values["train_config"] is not None
                else values["predict_config"].model_name

  "No video loader config specified. Using default for {model_name}.")

            config_file = MODELS_DIRECTORY / f"{model_name}/config.yaml"
            with as f:
                config_dict = yaml.safe_load(f)

            values["video_loader_config"] = VideoLoaderConfig(**config_dict["video_loader_config"])

        return values
predict_config: PredictConfig pydantic-field
train_config: TrainConfig pydantic-field
video_loader_config: VideoLoaderConfig pydantic-field


Source code in zamba/models/
class Config:
    extra = "forbid"
    use_enum_values = True
    validate_assignment = True

Parse the first YAML document in a stream and produce the corresponding Python object.

Resolve only basic YAML tags. This is known to be safe for untrusted input.

Source code in zamba/models/
def safe_load(stream):
    Parse the first YAML document in a stream
    and produce the corresponding Python object.

    Resolve only basic YAML tags. This is known
    to be safe for untrusted input.
    return load(stream, SafeLoader)
get_default_video_loader_config(values) classmethod
Source code in zamba/models/
def get_default_video_loader_config(cls, values):
    if values["video_loader_config"] is None:
        model_name = (
            if values["train_config"] is not None
            else values["predict_config"].model_name
        )"No video loader config specified. Using default for {model_name}.")

        config_file = MODELS_DIRECTORY / f"{model_name}/config.yaml"
        with as f:
            config_dict = yaml.safe_load(f)

        values["video_loader_config"] = VideoLoaderConfig(**config_dict["video_loader_config"])

    return values
one_config_must_exist(values) classmethod
Source code in zamba/models/
def one_config_must_exist(cls, values):
    if values["train_config"] is None and values["predict_config"] is None:
        raise ValueError("Must provide either `train_config` or `predict_config`.")
        return values

ModelEnum (str, Enum)

Shorthand names of models supported by zamba.

Source code in zamba/models/
class ModelEnum(str, Enum):
    """Shorthand names of models supported by zamba."""

    time_distributed = "time_distributed"
    slowfast = "slowfast"
    european = "european"

MonitorEnum (str, Enum)

Validation metric to monitor for early stopping. Training is stopped when no improvement is observed.

Source code in zamba/models/
class MonitorEnum(str, Enum):
    """Validation metric to monitor for early stopping. Training is stopped when no
    improvement is observed."""

    val_macro_f1 = "val_macro_f1"
    val_loss = "val_loss"

PredictConfig (ZambaBaseModel) pydantic-model

Configuration for using a model for inference.


Name Type Description Default
filepaths FilePath

Path to a CSV containing videos for inference, with one row per video in the data_dir. There must be a column called 'filepath' (absolute or relative to the data_dir). If None, uses all files in data_dir. Defaults to None.

data_dir DirectoryPath

Path to a directory containing videos for inference. Defaults to the working directory.

model_name str

Name of the model to use for inference. Options are: time_distributed, slowfast, european. Defaults to time_distributed.

checkpoint FilePath

Path to a custom checkpoint file (.ckpt) generated by zamba that can be used to generate predictions. If None, defaults to a pretrained model. Defaults to None.

gpus int

Number of GPUs to use for inference. Defaults to all of the available GPUs found on the machine.

num_workers int

Number of subprocesses to use for data loading. 0 means that the data will be loaded in the main process. The maximum value is the number of CPUs in the system. Defaults to 3.

batch_size int

Batch size to use for inference. Defaults to 2.

save bool

Whether to save out predictions. If False, predictions are not saved. Defaults to True.

save_dir Path

An optional directory in which to save the model predictions and configuration yaml. If no save_dir is specified and save=True, outputs will be written to the current working directory. Defaults to None.

overwrite bool

If True, overwrite outputs in save_dir if they exist. Defaults to False.

dry_run bool

Perform inference on a single batch for testing. Predictions will not be saved. Defaults to False.

proba_threshold float

Probability threshold for classification. If specified, binary predictions are returned with 1 being greater than the threshold and 0 being less than or equal to the threshold. If None, return probability scores for each species. Defaults to None.

output_class_names bool

Output the species with the highest probability score as a single prediction for each video. If False, return probabilty scores for each species. Defaults to False.

weight_download_region str

s3 region to download pretrained weights from. Options are "us" (United States), "eu" (European Union), or "asia" (Asia Pacific). Defaults to "us".

skip_load_validation bool

By default, zamba runs a check to verify that all videos can be loaded and skips files that cannot be loaded. This can be time intensive, depending on how many videos there are. If you are very confident all your videos can be loaded, you can set this to True and skip this check. Defaults to False.

model_cache_dir Path

Cache directory where downloaded model weights will be saved. If None and no environment variable is set, will use your default cache directory. Defaults to None.

Source code in zamba/models/
class PredictConfig(ZambaBaseModel):
    Configuration for using a model for inference.

        filepaths (FilePath): Path to a CSV containing videos for inference, with
            one row per video in the data_dir. There must be a column called
            'filepath' (absolute or relative to the data_dir). If None, uses
            all files in data_dir. Defaults to None.
        data_dir (DirectoryPath): Path to a directory containing videos for
            inference. Defaults to the working directory.
        model_name (str, optional): Name of the model to use for inference. Options
            are: time_distributed, slowfast, european. Defaults to time_distributed.
        checkpoint (FilePath, optional): Path to a custom checkpoint file (.ckpt)
            generated by zamba that can be used to generate predictions. If None,
            defaults to a pretrained model. Defaults to None.
        gpus (int): Number of GPUs to use for inference.
            Defaults to all of the available GPUs found on the machine.
        num_workers (int): Number of subprocesses to use for data loading. 0 means
            that the data will be loaded in the main process. The maximum value is
            the number of CPUs in the system. Defaults to 3.
        batch_size (int): Batch size to use for inference. Defaults to 2.
        save (bool): Whether to save out predictions. If False, predictions are
            not saved. Defaults to True.
        save_dir (Path, optional): An optional directory in which to save the model
             predictions and configuration yaml. If no save_dir is specified and save=True,
             outputs will be written to the current working directory. Defaults to None.
        overwrite (bool): If True, overwrite outputs in save_dir if they exist.
            Defaults to False.
        dry_run (bool): Perform inference on a single batch for testing. Predictions
            will not be saved. Defaults to False.
        proba_threshold (float, optional): Probability threshold for classification.
            If specified, binary predictions are returned with 1 being greater than the
            threshold and 0 being less than or equal to the threshold. If None, return
            probability scores for each species. Defaults to None.
        output_class_names (bool): Output the species with the highest probability
            score as a single prediction for each video. If False, return probabilty
            scores for each species. Defaults to False.
        weight_download_region (str): s3 region to download pretrained weights from.
            Options are "us" (United States), "eu" (European Union), or "asia"
            (Asia Pacific). Defaults to "us".
        skip_load_validation (bool): By default, zamba runs a check to verify that
            all videos can be loaded and skips files that cannot be loaded. This can
            be time intensive, depending on how many videos there are. If you are very
            confident all your videos can be loaded, you can set this to True and skip
            this check. Defaults to False.
        model_cache_dir (Path, optional): Cache directory where downloaded model weights
            will be saved. If None and no environment variable is set, will use your
            default cache directory. Defaults to None.

    data_dir: DirectoryPath = Path.cwd()
    filepaths: Optional[FilePath] = None
    checkpoint: Optional[FilePath] = None
    model_name: Optional[ModelEnum] = ModelEnum.time_distributed
    gpus: int = GPUS_AVAILABLE
    num_workers: int = 3
    batch_size: int = 2
    save: bool = True
    save_dir: Optional[Path] = None
    overwrite: bool = False
    dry_run: bool = False
    proba_threshold: Optional[float] = None
    output_class_names: bool = False
    weight_download_region: RegionEnum = "us"
    skip_load_validation: bool = False
    model_cache_dir: Optional[Path] = None

    _validate_gpus = validator("gpus", allow_reuse=True, pre=True)(validate_gpus)

    _validate_model_cache_dir = validator("model_cache_dir", allow_reuse=True, always=True)(

    def validate_dry_run_and_save(cls, values):
        if values["dry_run"] and (
            (values["save"] is not False) or (values["save_dir"] is not None)
                "Cannot save when predicting with dry_run=True. Setting save=False and save_dir=None."
            values["save"] = False
            values["save_dir"] = None

        return values

    def validate_save_dir(cls, values):
        save_dir = values["save_dir"]
        save = values["save"]

        # if no save_dir but save is True, use current working directory
        if save_dir is None and save:
            save_dir = Path.cwd()

        if save_dir is not None:
            # check if files exist
            if (
                (save_dir / "zamba_predictions.csv").exists()
                or (save_dir / "predict_configuration.yaml").exists()
            ) and not values["overwrite"]:
                raise ValueError(
                    f"zamba_predictions.csv and/or predict_configuration.yaml already exist in {save_dir}. If you would like to overwrite, set overwrite=True"

            # make a directory if needed
            save_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

            # set save to True if save_dir is set
            if not save:
                save = True

        values["save_dir"] = save_dir
        values["save"] = save

        return values

    _validate_model_name_and_checkpoint = root_validator(allow_reuse=True, skip_on_failure=True)(

    def validate_proba_threshold(cls, values):
        if values["proba_threshold"] is not None:
            if (values["proba_threshold"] <= 0) or (values["proba_threshold"] >= 1):
                raise ValueError(
                    "Setting proba_threshold outside of the range (0, 1) will cause all probabilities to be rounded to the same value."

            if values["output_class_names"] is True:
                    "`output_class_names` will be ignored because `proba_threshold` is specified."
        return values

    @root_validator(pre=False, skip_on_failure=True)
    def get_filepaths(cls, values):
        """If no file list is passed, get all files in data directory. Warn if there
        are unsupported suffixes. Filepaths is set to a dataframe, where column `filepath`
        contains files with valid suffixes.
        if values["filepaths"] is None:
  "Getting files in {values['data_dir']}.")
            files = []
            new_suffixes = []

            # iterate over all files in data directory
            for f in values["data_dir"].rglob("*"):
                if f.is_file():
                    # keep just files with supported suffixes
                    if f.suffix.lower() in VIDEO_SUFFIXES:

            if len(new_suffixes) > 0:
                    f"Ignoring {len(new_suffixes)} file(s) with suffixes {set(new_suffixes)}. To include, specify all video suffixes with a VIDEO_SUFFIXES environment variable."

            if len(files) == 0:
                raise ValueError(f"No video files found in {values['data_dir']}.")

  "Found {len(files)} videos in {values['data_dir']}.")
            values["filepaths"] = pd.DataFrame(files, columns=["filepath"])
        return values

    def validate_files(cls, values):
        # if globbing from data directory, already have valid dataframe
        if isinstance(values["filepaths"], pd.DataFrame):
            files_df = values["filepaths"]
            # make into dataframe even if only one column for clearer indexing
            files_df = pd.DataFrame(pd.read_csv(values["filepaths"]))

        if "filepath" not in files_df.columns:
            raise ValueError(f"{values['filepaths']} must contain a `filepath` column.")

        # can only contain one row per filepath
        num_duplicates = len(files_df) - files_df.filepath.nunique()
        if num_duplicates > 0:
                f"Found {num_duplicates} duplicate row(s) in filepaths csv. Dropping duplicates so predictions will have one row per video."
            files_df = files_df[["filepath"]].drop_duplicates()

        values["filepaths"] = check_files_exist_and_load(
        return values
batch_size: int pydantic-field
checkpoint: FilePath pydantic-field
data_dir: DirectoryPath pydantic-field
dry_run: bool pydantic-field
filepaths: FilePath pydantic-field
gpus: int pydantic-field
model_cache_dir: Path pydantic-field
model_name: ModelEnum pydantic-field
num_workers: int pydantic-field
output_class_names: bool pydantic-field
overwrite: bool pydantic-field
proba_threshold: float pydantic-field
save: bool pydantic-field
save_dir: Path pydantic-field
skip_load_validation: bool pydantic-field
weight_download_region: RegionEnum pydantic-field
Config inherited
Source code in zamba/models/
class Config:
    extra = "forbid"
    use_enum_values = True
    validate_assignment = True


get_filepaths(values) classmethod

If no file list is passed, get all files in data directory. Warn if there are unsupported suffixes. Filepaths is set to a dataframe, where column filepath contains files with valid suffixes.

Source code in zamba/models/
@root_validator(pre=False, skip_on_failure=True)
def get_filepaths(cls, values):
    """If no file list is passed, get all files in data directory. Warn if there
    are unsupported suffixes. Filepaths is set to a dataframe, where column `filepath`
    contains files with valid suffixes.
    if values["filepaths"] is None:"Getting files in {values['data_dir']}.")
        files = []
        new_suffixes = []

        # iterate over all files in data directory
        for f in values["data_dir"].rglob("*"):
            if f.is_file():
                # keep just files with supported suffixes
                if f.suffix.lower() in VIDEO_SUFFIXES:

        if len(new_suffixes) > 0:
                f"Ignoring {len(new_suffixes)} file(s) with suffixes {set(new_suffixes)}. To include, specify all video suffixes with a VIDEO_SUFFIXES environment variable."

        if len(files) == 0:
            raise ValueError(f"No video files found in {values['data_dir']}.")"Found {len(files)} videos in {values['data_dir']}.")
        values["filepaths"] = pd.DataFrame(files, columns=["filepath"])
    return values
validate_dry_run_and_save(values) classmethod
Source code in zamba/models/
def validate_dry_run_and_save(cls, values):
    if values["dry_run"] and (
        (values["save"] is not False) or (values["save_dir"] is not None)
            "Cannot save when predicting with dry_run=True. Setting save=False and save_dir=None."
        values["save"] = False
        values["save_dir"] = None

    return values
validate_files(values) classmethod
Source code in zamba/models/
def validate_files(cls, values):
    # if globbing from data directory, already have valid dataframe
    if isinstance(values["filepaths"], pd.DataFrame):
        files_df = values["filepaths"]
        # make into dataframe even if only one column for clearer indexing
        files_df = pd.DataFrame(pd.read_csv(values["filepaths"]))

    if "filepath" not in files_df.columns:
        raise ValueError(f"{values['filepaths']} must contain a `filepath` column.")

    # can only contain one row per filepath
    num_duplicates = len(files_df) - files_df.filepath.nunique()
    if num_duplicates > 0:
            f"Found {num_duplicates} duplicate row(s) in filepaths csv. Dropping duplicates so predictions will have one row per video."
        files_df = files_df[["filepath"]].drop_duplicates()

    values["filepaths"] = check_files_exist_and_load(
    return values
validate_proba_threshold(values) classmethod
Source code in zamba/models/
def validate_proba_threshold(cls, values):
    if values["proba_threshold"] is not None:
        if (values["proba_threshold"] <= 0) or (values["proba_threshold"] >= 1):
            raise ValueError(
                "Setting proba_threshold outside of the range (0, 1) will cause all probabilities to be rounded to the same value."

        if values["output_class_names"] is True:
                "`output_class_names` will be ignored because `proba_threshold` is specified."
    return values
validate_save_dir(values) classmethod
Source code in zamba/models/
def validate_save_dir(cls, values):
    save_dir = values["save_dir"]
    save = values["save"]

    # if no save_dir but save is True, use current working directory
    if save_dir is None and save:
        save_dir = Path.cwd()

    if save_dir is not None:
        # check if files exist
        if (
            (save_dir / "zamba_predictions.csv").exists()
            or (save_dir / "predict_configuration.yaml").exists()
        ) and not values["overwrite"]:
            raise ValueError(
                f"zamba_predictions.csv and/or predict_configuration.yaml already exist in {save_dir}. If you would like to overwrite, set overwrite=True"

        # make a directory if needed
        save_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

        # set save to True if save_dir is set
        if not save:
            save = True

    values["save_dir"] = save_dir
    values["save"] = save

    return values

SchedulerConfig (ZambaBaseModel) pydantic-model

Configuration containing parameters for a custom pytorch learning rate scheduler. See for options.


Name Type Description Default
scheduler str

Name of learning rate scheduler to use. See for options.

scheduler_params dict

Parameters passed to learning rate scheduler upon initialization (eg. {"milestones": [1], "gamma": 0.5, "verbose": True}). Defaults to None.

Source code in zamba/models/
class SchedulerConfig(ZambaBaseModel):
    """Configuration containing parameters for a custom pytorch learning rate scheduler.
    See for options.

        scheduler (str): Name of learning rate scheduler to use. See
   for options.
        scheduler_params (dict, optional): Parameters passed to learning rate
            scheduler upon initialization (eg. {"milestones": [1], "gamma": 0.5,
            "verbose": True}). Defaults to None.

    scheduler: Optional[str]
    scheduler_params: Optional[dict] = None

    @validator("scheduler", always=True)
    def validate_scheduler(cls, scheduler):
        if scheduler is None:
            return None

        elif scheduler not in torch.optim.lr_scheduler.__dict__.keys():
            raise ValueError(
                "Scheduler is not a `torch.optim.lr_scheduler`. "
                "See "
                "for options."
            return scheduler
scheduler: str pydantic-field
scheduler_params: dict pydantic-field
Config inherited
Source code in zamba/models/
class Config:
    extra = "forbid"
    use_enum_values = True
    validate_assignment = True
validate_scheduler(scheduler) classmethod
Source code in zamba/models/
@validator("scheduler", always=True)
def validate_scheduler(cls, scheduler):
    if scheduler is None:
        return None

    elif scheduler not in torch.optim.lr_scheduler.__dict__.keys():
        raise ValueError(
            "Scheduler is not a `torch.optim.lr_scheduler`. "
            "See "
            "for options."
        return scheduler

TrainConfig (ZambaBaseModel) pydantic-model

Configuration for training a model.


Name Type Description Default
labels FilePath or pandas DataFrame

Path to a CSV or pandas DataFrame containing labels for training, with one row per label. There must be columns called 'filepath' (absolute or relative to the data_dir) and 'label', and optionally columns called 'split' ("train", "val", or "holdout") and 'site'. Labels must be specified to train a model.

data_dir DirectoryPath

Path to a directory containing training videos. Defaults to the working directory.

model_name str

Name of the model to use for training. Options are: time_distributed, slowfast, european. Defaults to time_distributed.

checkpoint FilePath

Path to a custom checkpoint file (.ckpt) generated by zamba that can be used to resume training. If None, defaults to a pretrained model. Defaults to None.

scheduler_config SchedulerConfig or str

Config for setting up the learning rate scheduler on the model. If "default", uses scheduler that was used for training. If None, will not use a scheduler. Defaults to "default".

dry_run bool or int, Optional

Run one training and validation batch for one epoch to detect any bugs prior to training the full model. Disables tuners, checkpoint callbacks, loggers, and logger callbacks. Defaults to False.

batch_size int

Batch size to use for training. Defaults to 2.

auto_lr_find bool

Use a learning rate finder algorithm when calling trainer.tune() to try to find an optimal initial learning rate. Defaults to False. The learning rate finder is not guaranteed to find a good learning rate; depending on the dataset, it can select a learning rate that leads to poor model training. Use with caution.

backbone_finetune_params BackboneFinetuneConfig

Set parameters to finetune a backbone model to align with the current learning rate. Defaults to a BackboneFinetuneConfig(unfreeze_backbone_at_epoch=5, backbone_initial_ratio_lr=0.01, multiplier=1, pre_train_bn=False, train_bn=False, verbose=True).

gpus int

Number of GPUs to train on applied per node. Defaults to all of the available GPUs found on the machine.

num_workers int

Number of subprocesses to use for data loading. 0 means that the data will be loaded in the main process. The maximum value is the number of CPUs in the system. Defaults to 3.

max_epochs int

Stop training once this number of epochs is reached. Disabled by default (None), which stops training at 1000 epochs.

early_stopping_config EarlyStoppingConfig

Configuration for early stopping, which monitors a metric during training and stops training when the metric stops improving. Defaults to EarlyStoppingConfig(monitor='val_macro_f1', patience=5, verbose=True, mode='max').

weight_download_region str

s3 region to download pretrained weights from. Options are "us" (United States), "eu" (European Union), or "asia" (Asia Pacific). Defaults to "us".

split_proportions dict

Proportions used to divide data into training, validation, and holdout sets if a if a "split" column is not included in labels. Defaults to "train": 3, "val": 1, "holdout": 1.

save_dir Path

Path to a directory where training files will be saved. Files include the best model checkpoint (model_name.ckpt), training configuration (configuration.yaml), Tensorboard logs (events.out.tfevents...), test metrics (test_metrics.json), validation metrics (val_metrics.json), and model hyperparameters (hparams.yml). If None, a folder is created in the working directory. Defaults to None.

overwrite bool

If True, will save outputs in save_dir overwriting if those exist. If False, will create auto-incremented version_n folder in save_dir with model outputs. Defaults to False.

from_scratch bool

Instantiate the model with base weights. This means starting with ImageNet weights for image-based models (time_distributed and european) and Kinetics weights for video-based models (slowfast). Defaults to False.

predict_all_zamba_species bool

Output all zamba species rather than only the species in the labels file.

model_cache_dir Path

Cache directory where downloaded model weights will be saved. If None and the MODEL_CACHE_DIR environment variable is not set, uses your default cache directory. Defaults to None.

Source code in zamba/models/
class TrainConfig(ZambaBaseModel):
    Configuration for training a model.

        labels (FilePath or pandas DataFrame): Path to a CSV or pandas DataFrame
            containing labels for training, with one row per label. There must be
            columns called 'filepath' (absolute or relative to the data_dir) and
            'label', and optionally columns called 'split' ("train", "val", or "holdout")
            and 'site'. Labels must be specified to train a model.
        data_dir (DirectoryPath): Path to a directory containing training
            videos. Defaults to the working directory.
        model_name (str, optional): Name of the model to use for training. Options
            are: time_distributed, slowfast, european. Defaults to time_distributed.
        checkpoint (FilePath, optional): Path to a custom checkpoint file (.ckpt)
            generated by zamba that can be used to resume training. If None, defaults
            to a pretrained model. Defaults to None.
        scheduler_config (SchedulerConfig or str, optional): Config for setting up
            the learning rate scheduler on the model. If "default", uses scheduler
            that was used for training. If None, will not use a scheduler.
            Defaults to "default".
        dry_run (bool or int, Optional): Run one training and validation batch
            for one epoch to detect any bugs prior to training the full model.
            Disables tuners, checkpoint callbacks, loggers, and logger callbacks.
            Defaults to False.
        batch_size (int): Batch size to use for training. Defaults to 2.
        auto_lr_find (bool): Use a learning rate finder algorithm when calling
            trainer.tune() to try to find an optimal initial learning rate. Defaults to
            False. The learning rate finder is not guaranteed to find a good learning
            rate; depending on the dataset, it can select a learning rate that leads to
            poor model training. Use with caution.
        backbone_finetune_params (BackboneFinetuneConfig, optional): Set parameters
            to finetune a backbone model to align with the current learning rate.
            Defaults to a BackboneFinetuneConfig(unfreeze_backbone_at_epoch=5,
            backbone_initial_ratio_lr=0.01, multiplier=1, pre_train_bn=False,
            train_bn=False, verbose=True).
        gpus (int): Number of GPUs to train on applied per node.
            Defaults to all of the available GPUs found on the machine.
        num_workers (int): Number of subprocesses to use for data loading. 0 means
            that the data will be loaded in the main process. The maximum value is
           the number of CPUs in the system. Defaults to 3.
        max_epochs (int, optional): Stop training once this number of epochs is
            reached. Disabled by default (None), which stops training at 1000 epochs.
        early_stopping_config (EarlyStoppingConfig, optional): Configuration for
            early stopping, which monitors a metric during training and stops training
            when the metric stops improving. Defaults to EarlyStoppingConfig(monitor='val_macro_f1',
            patience=5, verbose=True, mode='max').
        weight_download_region (str): s3 region to download pretrained weights from.
            Options are "us" (United States), "eu" (European Union), or "asia"
            (Asia Pacific). Defaults to "us".
        split_proportions (dict): Proportions used to divide data into training,
            validation, and holdout sets if a if a "split" column is not included in
            labels. Defaults to "train": 3, "val": 1, "holdout": 1.
        save_dir (Path, optional): Path to a directory where training files
            will be saved. Files include the best model checkpoint (``model_name``.ckpt),
            training configuration (configuration.yaml), Tensorboard logs
            (events.out.tfevents...), test metrics (test_metrics.json), validation
            metrics (val_metrics.json), and model hyperparameters (hparams.yml).
            If None, a folder is created in the working directory. Defaults to None.
        overwrite (bool): If True, will save outputs in `save_dir` overwriting if those
            exist. If False, will create auto-incremented `version_n` folder in `save_dir`
            with model outputs. Defaults to False.
        skip_load_validation (bool). Skip ffprobe check, which verifies that all
            videos can be loaded and skips files that cannot be loaded. Defaults
            to False.
        from_scratch (bool): Instantiate the model with base weights. This means
            starting with ImageNet weights for image-based models (time_distributed
            and european) and Kinetics weights for video-based models (slowfast).
            Defaults to False.
        predict_all_zamba_species (bool): Output all zamba species rather than
            only the species in the labels file.
        model_cache_dir (Path, optional): Cache directory where downloaded model weights
            will be saved. If None and the MODEL_CACHE_DIR environment variable is
            not set, uses your default cache directory. Defaults to None.

    labels: Union[FilePath, pd.DataFrame]
    data_dir: DirectoryPath = Path.cwd()
    checkpoint: Optional[FilePath] = None
    scheduler_config: Optional[Union[str, SchedulerConfig]] = "default"
    model_name: Optional[ModelEnum] = ModelEnum.time_distributed
    dry_run: Union[bool, int] = False
    batch_size: int = 2
    auto_lr_find: bool = False
    backbone_finetune_config: Optional[BackboneFinetuneConfig] = BackboneFinetuneConfig()
    gpus: int = GPUS_AVAILABLE
    num_workers: int = 3
    max_epochs: Optional[int] = None
    early_stopping_config: Optional[EarlyStoppingConfig] = EarlyStoppingConfig()
    weight_download_region: RegionEnum = "us"
    split_proportions: Optional[Dict[str, int]] = {"train": 3, "val": 1, "holdout": 1}
    save_dir: Path = Path.cwd()
    overwrite: bool = False
    skip_load_validation: bool = False
    from_scratch: bool = False
    predict_all_zamba_species: bool = True
    model_cache_dir: Optional[Path] = None

    class Config:
        arbitrary_types_allowed = True

    _validate_gpus = validator("gpus", allow_reuse=True, pre=True)(validate_gpus)

    _validate_model_cache_dir = validator("model_cache_dir", allow_reuse=True, always=True)(

    def validate_from_scratch_and_checkpoint(cls, values):
        if values["from_scratch"]:
            if values["checkpoint"] is not None:
                raise ValueError("If from_scratch=True, you cannot specify a checkpoint.")

            if values["model_name"] is None:
                raise ValueError("If from_scratch=True, model_name cannot be None.")

        return values

    _validate_model_name_and_checkpoint = root_validator(allow_reuse=True, skip_on_failure=True)(

    @validator("scheduler_config", always=True)
    def validate_scheduler_config(cls, scheduler_config):
        if scheduler_config is None:
            return SchedulerConfig(scheduler=None)
        elif isinstance(scheduler_config, str) and scheduler_config != "default":
            raise ValueError("Scheduler can either be 'default', None, or a SchedulerConfig.")
            return scheduler_config

    def turn_off_load_validation_if_dry_run(cls, values):
        if values["dry_run"] and not values["skip_load_validation"]:
  "Turning off video loading check since dry_run=True.")
            values["skip_load_validation"] = True
        return values

    def validate_filepaths_and_labels(cls, values):"Validating labels csv.")
        labels = (
            if not isinstance(values["labels"], pd.DataFrame)
            else values["labels"]

        if not set(["label", "filepath"]).issubset(labels.columns):
            raise ValueError(f"{values['labels']} must contain `filepath` and `label` columns.")

        # validate split column has no partial nulls or invalid values
        if "split" in labels.columns:

            # if split is entirely null, warn, drop column, and generate splits automatically
            if labels.split.isnull().all():
                    "Split column is entirely null. Will generate splits automatically using `split_proportions`."
                labels = labels.drop("split", axis=1)

            # error if split column has null values
            elif labels.split.isnull().any():
                raise ValueError(
                    f"Found {labels.split.isnull().sum()} row(s) with null `split`. Fill in these rows with either `train`, `val`, or `holdout`. Alternatively, do not include a `split` column in your labels and we'll generate splits for you using `split_proportions`."

            # otherwise check that split values are valid
            elif not set(labels.split).issubset({"train", "val", "holdout"}):
                raise ValueError(
                    f"Found the following invalid values for `split`: {set(labels.split).difference({'train', 'val', 'holdout'})}. `split` can only contain `train`, `val`, or `holdout.`"

            elif values["split_proportions"] is not None:
                    "Labels contains split column yet split_proprtions are also provided. Split column in labels takes precendece."
                # set to None for clarity in final configuration.yaml
                values["split_proportions"] = None

        # error if labels are entirely null
        null_labels = labels.label.isnull()
        if sum(null_labels) == len(labels):
            raise ValueError("Species cannot be null for all videos.")

        # skip and warn about any videos without species label
        elif sum(null_labels) > 0:
            logger.warning(f"Found {sum(null_labels)} filepath(s) with no label. Will skip.")
            labels = labels[~null_labels]

        # check that all videos exist and can be loaded
        values["labels"] = check_files_exist_and_load(
        return values

    def preprocess_labels(cls, values):"Preprocessing labels into one hot encoded labels with one row per video.")
        # one hot encode collapse to one row per video
        labels = (
                values["labels"].rename(columns={"label": "species"}), columns=["species"]

        # if no "split" column, set up train, val, and holdout split
        if "split" not in labels.columns:
                f"Dividing videos into train, val, and holdout sets using the following split proportions: {values['split_proportions']}."

            # use site info if we have it
            if "site" in labels.columns:
      "Using provided 'site' column to do a site-specific split")
                labels["split"] = create_site_specific_splits(
                    labels["site"], proportions=values["split_proportions"]
                # otherwise randomly allocate
                    "No 'site' column found so videos for each species will be randomly allocated across splits using provided split proportions."

                expected_splits = [k for k, v in values["split_proportions"].items() if v > 0]

                # check we have at least as many videos per species as we have splits
                # labels are OHE at this point
                num_videos_per_species = labels.filter(regex="species_").sum().to_dict()
                too_few = {
                    k.split("species_", 1)[1]: v
                    for k, v in num_videos_per_species.items()
                    if v < len(expected_splits)

                if len(too_few) > 0:
                    raise ValueError(
                        f"Not all species have enough videos to allocate into the following splits: {', '.join(expected_splits)}. A minimum of {len(expected_splits)} videos per label is required. Found the following counts: {too_few}. Either remove these labels or add more videos."

                for c in labels.filter(regex="species_").columns:
                    species_df = labels[labels[c] > 0]

                    # within each species, seed splits by putting one video in each set and then allocate videos based on split proportions
                    labels.loc[species_df.index, "split"] = expected_splits + random.choices(
                        k=len(species_df) - len(expected_splits),

                    f"Writing out split information to {values['save_dir'] / 'splits.csv'}."

                # create the directory to save if we need to
                values["save_dir"].mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

                labels.reset_index()[["filepath", "split"]].drop_duplicates().to_csv(
                    values["save_dir"] / "splits.csv", index=False

        # filepath becomes column instead of index
        values["labels"] = labels.reset_index()
        return values
auto_lr_find: bool pydantic-field
backbone_finetune_config: BackboneFinetuneConfig pydantic-field
batch_size: int pydantic-field
checkpoint: FilePath pydantic-field
data_dir: DirectoryPath pydantic-field
dry_run: Union[bool, int] pydantic-field
early_stopping_config: EarlyStoppingConfig pydantic-field
from_scratch: bool pydantic-field
gpus: int pydantic-field
labels: Union[pydantic.types.FilePath, pandas.core.frame.DataFrame] pydantic-field required
max_epochs: int pydantic-field
model_cache_dir: Path pydantic-field
model_name: ModelEnum pydantic-field
num_workers: int pydantic-field
overwrite: bool pydantic-field
predict_all_zamba_species: bool pydantic-field
save_dir: Path pydantic-field
scheduler_config: Union[str, zamba.models.config.SchedulerConfig] pydantic-field
skip_load_validation: bool pydantic-field
split_proportions: Dict[str, int] pydantic-field
weight_download_region: RegionEnum pydantic-field
Source code in zamba/models/
class Config:
    extra = "forbid"
    use_enum_values = True
    validate_assignment = True
preprocess_labels(values) classmethod
Source code in zamba/models/
def preprocess_labels(cls, values):"Preprocessing labels into one hot encoded labels with one row per video.")
    # one hot encode collapse to one row per video
    labels = (
            values["labels"].rename(columns={"label": "species"}), columns=["species"]

    # if no "split" column, set up train, val, and holdout split
    if "split" not in labels.columns:
            f"Dividing videos into train, val, and holdout sets using the following split proportions: {values['split_proportions']}."

        # use site info if we have it
        if "site" in labels.columns:
  "Using provided 'site' column to do a site-specific split")
            labels["split"] = create_site_specific_splits(
                labels["site"], proportions=values["split_proportions"]
            # otherwise randomly allocate
                "No 'site' column found so videos for each species will be randomly allocated across splits using provided split proportions."

            expected_splits = [k for k, v in values["split_proportions"].items() if v > 0]

            # check we have at least as many videos per species as we have splits
            # labels are OHE at this point
            num_videos_per_species = labels.filter(regex="species_").sum().to_dict()
            too_few = {
                k.split("species_", 1)[1]: v
                for k, v in num_videos_per_species.items()
                if v < len(expected_splits)

            if len(too_few) > 0:
                raise ValueError(
                    f"Not all species have enough videos to allocate into the following splits: {', '.join(expected_splits)}. A minimum of {len(expected_splits)} videos per label is required. Found the following counts: {too_few}. Either remove these labels or add more videos."

            for c in labels.filter(regex="species_").columns:
                species_df = labels[labels[c] > 0]

                # within each species, seed splits by putting one video in each set and then allocate videos based on split proportions
                labels.loc[species_df.index, "split"] = expected_splits + random.choices(
                    k=len(species_df) - len(expected_splits),

                f"Writing out split information to {values['save_dir'] / 'splits.csv'}."

            # create the directory to save if we need to
            values["save_dir"].mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

            labels.reset_index()[["filepath", "split"]].drop_duplicates().to_csv(
                values["save_dir"] / "splits.csv", index=False

    # filepath becomes column instead of index
    values["labels"] = labels.reset_index()
    return values
turn_off_load_validation_if_dry_run(values) classmethod
Source code in zamba/models/
def turn_off_load_validation_if_dry_run(cls, values):
    if values["dry_run"] and not values["skip_load_validation"]:"Turning off video loading check since dry_run=True.")
        values["skip_load_validation"] = True
    return values
validate_filepaths_and_labels(values) classmethod
Source code in zamba/models/
def validate_filepaths_and_labels(cls, values):"Validating labels csv.")
    labels = (
        if not isinstance(values["labels"], pd.DataFrame)
        else values["labels"]

    if not set(["label", "filepath"]).issubset(labels.columns):
        raise ValueError(f"{values['labels']} must contain `filepath` and `label` columns.")

    # validate split column has no partial nulls or invalid values
    if "split" in labels.columns:

        # if split is entirely null, warn, drop column, and generate splits automatically
        if labels.split.isnull().all():
                "Split column is entirely null. Will generate splits automatically using `split_proportions`."
            labels = labels.drop("split", axis=1)

        # error if split column has null values
        elif labels.split.isnull().any():
            raise ValueError(
                f"Found {labels.split.isnull().sum()} row(s) with null `split`. Fill in these rows with either `train`, `val`, or `holdout`. Alternatively, do not include a `split` column in your labels and we'll generate splits for you using `split_proportions`."

        # otherwise check that split values are valid
        elif not set(labels.split).issubset({"train", "val", "holdout"}):
            raise ValueError(
                f"Found the following invalid values for `split`: {set(labels.split).difference({'train', 'val', 'holdout'})}. `split` can only contain `train`, `val`, or `holdout.`"

        elif values["split_proportions"] is not None:
                "Labels contains split column yet split_proprtions are also provided. Split column in labels takes precendece."
            # set to None for clarity in final configuration.yaml
            values["split_proportions"] = None

    # error if labels are entirely null
    null_labels = labels.label.isnull()
    if sum(null_labels) == len(labels):
        raise ValueError("Species cannot be null for all videos.")

    # skip and warn about any videos without species label
    elif sum(null_labels) > 0:
        logger.warning(f"Found {sum(null_labels)} filepath(s) with no label. Will skip.")
        labels = labels[~null_labels]

    # check that all videos exist and can be loaded
    values["labels"] = check_files_exist_and_load(
    return values
validate_from_scratch_and_checkpoint(values) classmethod
Source code in zamba/models/
def validate_from_scratch_and_checkpoint(cls, values):
    if values["from_scratch"]:
        if values["checkpoint"] is not None:
            raise ValueError("If from_scratch=True, you cannot specify a checkpoint.")

        if values["model_name"] is None:
            raise ValueError("If from_scratch=True, model_name cannot be None.")

    return values
validate_scheduler_config(scheduler_config) classmethod
Source code in zamba/models/
@validator("scheduler_config", always=True)
def validate_scheduler_config(cls, scheduler_config):
    if scheduler_config is None:
        return SchedulerConfig(scheduler=None)
    elif isinstance(scheduler_config, str) and scheduler_config != "default":
        raise ValueError("Scheduler can either be 'default', None, or a SchedulerConfig.")
        return scheduler_config

ZambaBaseModel (BaseModel) pydantic-model

Set defaults for all models that inherit from the pydantic base model.

Source code in zamba/models/
class ZambaBaseModel(BaseModel):
    """Set defaults for all models that inherit from the pydantic base model."""

    class Config:
        extra = "forbid"
        use_enum_values = True
        validate_assignment = True
Source code in zamba/models/
class Config:
    extra = "forbid"
    use_enum_values = True
    validate_assignment = True


check_files_exist_and_load(df: DataFrame, data_dir: DirectoryPath, skip_load_validation: bool)

Check whether files in file list exist and can be loaded with ffmpeg. Warn and skip files that don't exist or can't be loaded.


Name Type Description Default
df pd.DataFrame

DataFrame with a "filepath" column

data_dir Path

Data folder to prepend if filepath is not an absolute path.

skip_load_validation bool

Skip ffprobe check that verifies all videos can be loaded.



Type Description

DataFrame with valid and loadable videos.

Source code in zamba/models/
def check_files_exist_and_load(
    df: pd.DataFrame, data_dir: DirectoryPath, skip_load_validation: bool
    """Check whether files in file list exist and can be loaded with ffmpeg.
    Warn and skip files that don't exist or can't be loaded.

        df (pd.DataFrame): DataFrame with a "filepath" column
        data_dir (Path): Data folder to prepend if filepath is not an
            absolute path.
        skip_load_validation (bool): Skip ffprobe check that verifies all videos
            can be loaded.

        pd.DataFrame: DataFrame with valid and loadable videos.
    # update filepath column to prepend data_dir if filepath column is not an absolute path
    data_dir = Path(data_dir).resolve()
    df["filepath"] = str(data_dir) / df.filepath.path

    # we can have multiple rows per file with labels so limit just to one row per file for these checks
    files_df = df[["filepath"]].drop_duplicates()

    # check data exists
        f"Checking all {len(files_df):,} filepaths exist. Can take up to a minute for every couple thousand files."
    invalid_files = files_df[~files_df.filepath.path.exists()]

    # if no files exist
    if len(invalid_files) == len(files_df):
        raise ValueError(
            f"None of the video filepaths exist. Are you sure they're specified correctly? Here's an example invalid path: {invalid_files.filepath.values[0]}. Either specify absolute filepaths in the csv or provide filepaths relative to `data_dir`."

    # if at least some files exist
    elif len(invalid_files) > 0:
            f"The following files could not be found: {'/n'.join(invalid_files.filepath.values.tolist())}"
            f"Skipping {len(invalid_files)} file(s) that could not be found. For example, {invalid_files.filepath.values[0]}."
        # remove invalid files to prep for ffprobe check on remaining
        files_df = files_df[~files_df.filepath.isin(invalid_files.filepath)]

    bad_load = []
    if not skip_load_validation:
            "Checking that all videos can be loaded. If you're very confident all your videos can be loaded, you can skip this with `skip_load_validation`, but it's not recommended."

        # ffprobe check
        for f in tqdm(files_df.filepath):
            except ffmpeg.Error as exc:

        if len(bad_load) > 0:
                f"Skipping {len(bad_load)} file(s) that could not be loaded with ffmpeg."

    df = df[
        (~df.filepath.isin(bad_load)) & (~df.filepath.isin(invalid_files.filepath))

    return df

validate_gpus(gpus: int)

Ensure the number of GPUs requested is equal to or less than the number of GPUs available on the machine.

Source code in zamba/models/
def validate_gpus(gpus: int):
    """Ensure the number of GPUs requested is equal to or less than the number of GPUs
    available on the machine."""
    if gpus > GPUS_AVAILABLE:
        raise ValueError(f"Found only {GPUS_AVAILABLE} GPU(s). Cannot use {gpus}.")
        return gpus

validate_model_cache_dir(model_cache_dir: Optional[pathlib.Path])

Set up cache directory for downloading model weight. Order of priority is: config argument, environment variable, or user's default cache dir.

Source code in zamba/models/
def validate_model_cache_dir(model_cache_dir: Optional[Path]):
    """Set up cache directory for downloading model weight. Order of priority is:
    config argument, environment variable, or user's default cache dir.
    if model_cache_dir is None:
        model_cache_dir = os.getenv("MODEL_CACHE_DIR", Path(appdirs.user_cache_dir()) / "zamba")

    model_cache_dir = Path(model_cache_dir)
    model_cache_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
    return model_cache_dir

validate_model_name_and_checkpoint(cls, values)

Ensures a checkpoint file or model name is provided. If a model name is provided, looks up the corresponding public checkpoint file from the official configs.

Source code in zamba/models/
def validate_model_name_and_checkpoint(cls, values):
    """Ensures a checkpoint file or model name is provided. If a model name is provided,
    looks up the corresponding public checkpoint file from the official configs.
    checkpoint = values.get("checkpoint")
    model_name = values.get("model_name")

    # must specify either checkpoint or model name
    if checkpoint is None and model_name is None:
        raise ValueError("Must provide either model_name or checkpoint path.")

    # checkpoint supercedes model
    elif checkpoint is not None and model_name is not None:"Using checkpoint file: {checkpoint}.")
        # set model name to None so proper model class is retrieved from ckpt up upon instantiation
        values["model_name"] = None

    elif checkpoint is None and model_name is not None:
        if not values.get("from_scratch"):
            # get public weights file from official models config
            values["checkpoint"] = get_model_checkpoint_filename(model_name)

    return values